UDP to COM Converter for N1MM Logger


I was looking for a simple solution to use HDSDR program (or any other) as a Pan Adaptor together with N1MM Logger. The first solution I tried was Serial Port Splitter, while it worked I used to get wrong readings, which was very annoying. There is the program called LP-Bridge but it does not support FT-857/897 radios so I decided to roll my own app, as they say: “If you can’t find what you need, sit and start coding”. I’m not a programmer so don’t be very harsh on me if something doesn’t work right, besides I did it just for myself and then decided to publish it in hope that it might be useful to somebody else.

It is very simple program and what it does, it reads UDP broadcast from N1MM Logger and then rebroadcasts it in Kenwood protocol through COM port. Since this is a broadcast there is no ability to tune your transceiver while clicking on the waterfall, just a one-way street.

I tested it on N1MM Classic both in SO1V and SO2V and on N1MM+ just in SO1V because later doesn’t support SO2V on FT-857/897 radios. The program itself is radio independent.

There is Settings Tab where you can set UDP Port number, this number has to match N1MM UDP port number. There is the link to N1MM documentation page how to set it.
Open N1MM Logger.ini file and if you already use N1MM with antenna rotor or Qsrecorder  add just these two lines into [ExternalBroadcast] section:
Otherwise add:

To connect COM port to SDR radio you will need Virtual Serial Port software which creates two virtual serial ports connected back to back. In case you don’t have it on your computer yet, you can install VSPM by K5FR, it is free to licensed hams.
COM Port connects to one end of Virtual Serial Port pair, the other end is connected to your SDR radio port.
The rest of settings suppose to match SDR radio COM port settings.

Radio/VFO1, Radio/VFO2 or Both settings mean which Radio/VFO is followed by SDR: first, second or both. With N1MM Classic there is <FocusRadioNr> line missing in UDP packet so it is difficult to know which Radio/VFO have focus and because of that “Both” setting is disabled.
After you set everything click “Apply”.
 The “Test” tab shows UDP broadcast being received. This just an informational thing to make sure that program is listening on the right port if something doesn't go right.

Program comes in ZIP package, no installation is needed just unzip in a folder of your choice, create a shortcut  and run. In the folder there will be UDPtoCOM.exe, Settings.xml and Readme.txt files.

Because once it is launched no interaction is needed the program runs in a Tray minimized, so don’t be alarmed that when you double clicked to start it seems nothing happened, look for small icon in your system tray.

And that’s about it.
73 Jonas N0LY/LY3QA

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